What exercises can I do to ease my back pain?

If you are currently experiencing weakness of muscles in your leg (struggling to pull toes towards your head) or if you lose bladder or bowel control you need to see your GP/Doctor immediately.  

Exercises should only be carried out in a pain free range - if they start to make your pain worse - stop immediately. Exercises may be easier and muscles will relax after heat application - such as a warm shower or water bottle/wheat pad.


Lumbar spine rotation stretch -

Lie on your back, shoulders both on the floor, one arm out at 90 degrees, one knee bent over the other, hold for 15s, repeat 3 times on both sides.

Pelvic tilt – Starting position

Laying down with your knees bent. Try tightening your stomach muscles and flattening your back to the floor – hold for 5s and relax for 5s, repeat 5 times.

Pelvic tilt – Second position

Laying down with your knees bent. Try tightening your stomach muscles and flattening your back to the floor – hold for 5s and relax for 5s, repeat 5 times.


Prayer position -

On your hands and knees, sit back so your bum is resting on your heels. Reach your hands forward to lengthen your spine and feel a stretch in your middle back. You can reach your hands to either side to focus the stretch on the opposite side of your spine. Hold for 15 seconds and perform 2-3 repetitions.


Deep lunge + Psoas stretch -

Starting in a gentle lunge position, and lunging forward with your leading leg - Keeping your back straight and pelvis tucked, lunge forward until you feel a stretch in your opposing hip. You can use a wall or chair for support if necessary. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds, and then repeat 3 times. Repeat on the other leg.

Angry Cat Stretch -

This stretch can incorporate both an extension and a flexion component. You may perform either way or just one way if that is more comfortable for you. When on your hands and knees, increase flexion through your spine, arch your back upwards, bringing your spine away from the table (lumbar flexion picture). You may hold each position for 5-20 seconds and repeat several times. Alternatively, let your belly sag towards the table to increase extension through your spine.

When back pain is persistent and lasts for a while we can become quite immobile, lack of movement can cause the muscles to become weak. When this happens you are more susceptible to re-injuring/straining in the future. It is important not to rest for too long and to keep moving. Get in touch with Hayley on 07934543683 if you need any more advice on what you are currently with and find out how we can help! Alternatively, if you think you may need treatment to further ease your pain and learn how to prevent this from happening again, click on the book now button below to find out our availability and prices.